Making a better performing youtube ad
By Mike Reynolds 05 October 2019
Don’t miss a chance to get a response
Keep a url, phone number or text response address on screen throughout, because they are multi screening while watching TV, many viewers respond before the end of the ad
Try to include a CTA in the body of the ad. Repeat the CTA at the end – and have an offer too, if possible
Use engagement words, such as watch, find out, think; they are all calls to action
DRTV is about immediate response – ask for action now not tomorrow
Content that hooks
Keep it simple, focus on what will motivate to buy, this is not an explainer video, it’s a persuasion video
Don’t just think of your product or service, think of what interests your target audience, then create content that will appeal to them that believably involves what you’re selling
The most common and, effective creative tactic for DRTV is to use a problem/solution approach
Focus on how the viewer will benefit from the product or service being offered. Creative concepts that veer from this objective are a waste of time
Testimonials almost always work but - make sure they’re about the specific benefits and are not just general statements like “I love it.”
Testimonials must seem real, use amateurs and spend time to get them to give you the delivery you want, and let them do it in their own words – that will answer questions your prospects might have in a way that is convincing
Use on-screen graphics to emphasise key sales points – don’t rely on the viewer being glued to the screen
Don’t miss a chance to save money
Don’t spend more than you have to, this isn’t Ben Hur
Remember that a good engaging idea is much better than a great big budget
BUT - if it looks cheap, they’ll think your product is cheap; viewers are hard wired to decode videos – use ideas that can be made to look great on a limited budget
Design for all devices, mobile viewing means titles and graphic could look too small to read – so you’ll have wasted your money
And for youtube ads:
If someone is talking on screen, use sub titles to show what they’re saying if it’s important
Get the message across in the first 5 to 8 seconds before they can click away